Tuesday, 14 November 2017


This post was inspired by

the just concluded Gtbank fashion weekend, Which held 11th and 12th of this month. Even though i was able to attend just once (Sunday), I learnt a whole lot from the full experience especially from the preparation which was really brief and seemed like no preparation at all.
You would all agree with me (ladies especially), that it's always a major hassle when you don't have a personal stylist and you always have to be at some grand/ okay maybe not so grand but nonetheless an event that requires a dress up.

 Now this is my story; When Gtbank fashion weekend came up, there was no panic attack for me, i hadn't even gone shopping in awhile but that didn't bother me because i am learning (yes still learning) the art of PERSONALITY in style and i have learnt already that it does not require shopping for every single occasion you have to attend unless of course you have Rih's bank account in which case i'l scream 'Yes pleaaassseeeee! 

Believe me guys finding your style can be a real struggle .. that 'nothing to wear moment' (that even when you staring at a closet full of clothes, you're still profusely confused on what to wear) is something we have all experienced.

From personal experience, I have realized that no matter how busy, tightly scheduled or impromptu your life, an event, or a meeting is/would be, it is very essential to be able adapt and be able maintain your personal style and because i have read quite a number on personal styles as well as study those of celebrities and people i admire, I have come to a conclusion that its not just about looking beautiful on the inside but it's also about feeling confident and comfortable on the outside too.

If you are gonna take on this journey, these few tips will definitely help:

* Access your wardrobe; Tyra Bank once posted on her Instagram that 'it is important to keep our closet organized, so that we can keep our lives organized as well.

You have to be able to efficiently manage your closet, you can do this by regularly editing your closet because if your closet is dis-organized with your clothing all over the place, (on the bed | floor | table | chair | I know am probably talking to someone right now Lol) you are likely going to have problems finding what to wear. 

* Identify your favs from your closet , then ask yourself these very simple questions, why are these clothes your most preferred ? Does it have to do with the fact that they are trendy and you just want to belong to certain group or class of fashionistas  ? Or is it because you favor a specific colour, which is not a bad thing but Okay lets say it's not that, Are you struggling to make an impression on someone? A crush maybe Or is it that you just feel great about yourself /beautiful wearing them? And oh lets not forget this final question, Are your favorite clothings wearable for your daily run about?
 Most times we buy clothes that are we are just attracted to but are widely impractical for our lifestyle. You gotta be able to define your goal and then your lifestyle when it comes to connecting to your personality and style.
Believe me guys, You find the answers to most of these questions and you one step closer.

* Find out the clothing styles you like.. figure out your major GO-TO clothes (could be jeans, shorts, gowns, skirts) There is always that piece from your closet that you are extra comfy with and hence you frequently repeat them, remember how i picked a particular strapped sandals for LFDW17 (to read that post click on this) Well  it's not such a bad thing, you don't have to cancel wearing a certain dress or shoe because you feel it's too often, My dear if it's a reliable consistence, then why not? you can even spice it up a bit by deciding to wear it differently, it's like having fun with variations. If you know, you know! And don't forget while you are fishing out the clothes you like, It is also important to consider those you don't like .

* Discovering your fashion animal spirit is also a major key guys, check out fashion magazines as well as fashionable persons/celebrities/models on Instagram, Facebook and oh lets not forget Pinterest (that's my major go-to for fashion visuals) figure out your main fashion influencers ! Find out what catches ur eye.
Hey! Although this is one way to go, you can get your inspirations from anywhere...(street, events, fashion bloggers too)

* Go window shopping .. You don't have to buy a dress every single time you go to a store , you can just observe new trends, determine costs and take notes of those you would love to add to your closet.

* Don't get me wrong, It is very okay and super fun to go shopping with friends but if you are gonna find your personal style, with 'Personal' in quote ...Sometimes you gotta play the lone card! Go shopping alone , pick out dresses you admire without any interference or second opinions,
Invest in items you know u can always re-wear and mix -wear.

* Find the colors that suit your skin tone ; Personally am a really fair girl, hence i stay away from extremely bright color clothes.. I mean it's not that i don't like colors like bright yellow, overly peppered red with chilli and hot sauce Lol .. I just don't think it goes with my yellow pawpaw skin as it is popularly called in Nigeria

* Talk to your honest friends .. 'honest' in quote because some friends will only tell you what you want hear not what really is.

* Observe clothes u admire on others and don't be shy to ask where they got it from. (While doing this try not to be overly curious or rude) 

Finally and more importantly guys.. Trust your instinct and be authentic. 

Thanks for stopping by.


Oh! Did you miss these posts?


FINDING YOUR PERSONALITY IN STYLE. This post was inspired by